Just as every one of the 12 signs
has some characteristics and symbolisms, so do each of the planets.
The symbolisms of the 12 zodiac signs are very limited. But the
scope of the symbolisms for the planets are much more broader,
and more useful and applicable to the crucial issues of our daily
lives. For example, none of the symbolisms of the planets cover
key areas of our lives. But the symbolisms for the planets include
such matters as marriage, sexual attraction, pregnancy, health,
quite a few of the important parts of the body and different talents
and professions. The symbolisms of the planets also include success
and failure and even love.
In the Planetary
Geometry Section of our website, and all of our books, we
explain how you can utilize the symbolisms of the planets in order
to better understand your life and the world around you in order
to help you fulfill your dreams.
Below are the symbolisms of Magi
Astrology as published in our third book. They are often very
different from those of Traditional and Popular astrology. YOU
have been derived from extensive research and the nearly 400 years
of experience of the Magi Society's astrologers. It is this same
research that discovered that CHIRON rules marriage, children
and spouses and this has now been confirmed by astrologers worldwide.
Our worldwide membership have
confirmed to us that these symbolisms of Magi Astrology are by
FAR the most accurate and useful set of symbolisms available anywhere.
The symbolisms listed below are quite extensive, but a more complete
set is in one part of the Members Only Section of our website.
[Elsewhere on our website, we
explained that some planets are Financial Planets, some are Romance
Planets and some are Sexual Planets. And some are a combination
of the above. It is useful to refer to some of the planets in
this way because this type of categorization immediately tells
us what some of the planets' key rulerships are.]
- Venus is a Romance Planet, a Sexual Planet and a Financial
Planet; it symbolizes attraction of all kinds, infatuation, desire,
attachment, and emotional needs. Venus has dominion over intimacy
and sexual energy and desire in the woman; it also signifies
sex appeal, beauty, grace, fashion and being fashionable, socializing
and sociability, and partnerships and the act of unification
(such as a wedding), but not the marriage itself. Venus has dominion
over combining and coordinating different things, including parts
of the body, countries, companies, ideas, and any two things
whatsoever. Venus rules the companion and companionship, friendship
and friends, being together, joining, cooperating, and merging;
also possessions, money, social standing, jewels and adornment,
and luxury. This is very interesting: Venus rules seduction,
the act of making love, female sexuality and sexual energy in
the woman; and it is representative of charm, harmony, and a
sense of humor. Venus is a BENEFIC, and therefore symbolizes
good luck and elevated levels. A benefic is a term of ancient
astrology referring to a planet that is highly beneficial and
one that brings good luck or high levels of something beneficial
and helpful, as well as victory and championships.
- Mars is a Sexual Planet; it represents the body and
muscles, motion, bodily movements and activity, energy, initiative,
the sex drive (especially in men), war, weapons of war, aggression,
anger, violence, temper, belligerency, the soldier, the warrior,
violence, accidents, sudden disruptions (including accidents),
competitiveness, athletic competition, and the athlete. Since
Mars rules the body, it has dominion over what we do with the
body, such as athletic endeavors, dance and ballet, and also
pure physical labor. Mars is associated with pure physical attraction
of the body, as distinguished from emotional and even sexual
attraction. Venus rules female sexuality, but Mars is the ruler
of male sexuality. Mars governs initiative and being a person
of action, as opposed to indecision and excessive contemplation.
It also rules the dancer and farmer, laborer and carpenter, and
any profession that has a primary requirement of using the body.
Mars signifies crudeness, vulgarity, macho attitudes, and the
- Pluto is both a Sexual Planet and a Financial Planet;
Pluto is the ruler of sexuality, lust, obsessive desires, and
the sex organs. (This overlaps in some ways with Mars, that symbolizes
pure physical attraction, but there is a difference.) Pluto is
also representative of power; the establishment; and things that
enhance or preserve power, such as atomic energy and weapons,
politics, great success, big business, corporations, and advertising.
Pluto signifies dictatorships and oppression, as well as the
state of being oppressive; this leads to Pluto signifying the
super ego and undeserved self-esteem. Pluto represents the ingredients
of great wealth, such as investments, the banking industry, the
loaning of money, the issuance of debt, and the ability to pay
it back; as well as most financial instruments, such as bonds
and mortgages. It also represents gambling and betting, the trading
of financial instruments of all types, and also corporations.
It provides the ability to take advantage of and capitalize on
something in order to make a profit. Pluto has dominion over
drastic changes that are true upheavals, and in this regard,
it represents beginnings and endings. Pluto rules obsessions
of all kinds, including emotional and sexual ones. Also, Pluto
is ruler of the actual sex act, as opposed to lovemaking and
seduction, which are ruled by Venus. Venus seduces you; Pluto
simply throws you on the bed and says, "Take off your clothes."
Pluto is, therefore, symbolic of sexism and male chauvinism.
- Neptune is both a Romance Planet and a Financial Planet,
it rules longevity and anything that has to do with the long
term, including true love and long-term relationships (but not
marriage, because Chiron rules marriage). It is Neptune that
imparts sensuality to women. Neptune also represents creativity,
inspirations, and whatever inspires. Neptune has dominion over
morals, ethics, and ethical behavior and standards; it signifies
sensitivity and gentleness. Neptune was the mythical god of the
sea and rules whatever involves the sea and water, such as shipping.
More important, Neptune governs health, medicines, and anything
that increases life expectancy or improved health; as well as
regeneration, healing, and anything that increases longevity.
This leads to Neptune's rulership of serenity, tranquility, and
safe passage, as well as stability and peacefulness at home.
Neptune is the planet of youthfulness and being young at heart,
spirit, and body. It is Neptune that rules the act of procreation
and reproduction; as opposed to Venus, which rules the act of
making love and seduction. Neptune is also different from Pluto,
which rules the sex act itself. Neptune signifies all long-term
assets, such as inheritances, copyrights and patents; and whatever
comes from the ground, such as minerals, oil, plants, and food.
It is Neptune that rules long-term financial security. Neptune
also symbolizes doctors, nurses, pharmacists, and all artistic
and creative professions.
- Jupiter is symbolic of fulfillment, good fortune,
success, enrichment, prayers answered and dreams coming true,
peace and forgiveness, wisdom and good judgment, reliability
and being honorable, promises kept, the law, the principle of
order, morality, generosity, fairness, gratitude, faithfulness,
selflessness, compassion, optimism, and hope. Jupiter is symbolic
of Judeo-Christian religions, Providence, grace, power benevolently
used, self-sacrifice, selflessness, as well as protection and
the protector. Jupiter is also representative of truth and true
genius, the leader, royalty, expansion of what is good or helpful,
and contraction of what is bad and harmful. Jupiter is the most
powerful benefic (Venus is second), and it improves and helps
every planet it makes an aspect with.
- The Moon has rulership
of emotions, fluctuating moods, the psyche, the subconscious,
greed, fear, capriciousness, and uncontrollable urges. Because
of all of these rulerships, it follows that the Moon is representative
of fanaticism and illogical beliefs and actions.
- Mercury governs communication and writing, the mind, intelligence,
design, mathematics, logic, poetry, singing, and music. Mercury
also rules teaching; and the conveying of ideas, messages, announcements,
and conferences. Because Mercury was the Roman god of speed and
messengers, Mercury rules speed and swiftness, travel, transportation,
and all vehicles of transportation (including airplanes, cars,
and railroads). Since Mercury rules traveling, it also represents
exploring and exploration-including the exploration of the mind,
space; and exploring for minerals, oil, and gas. Mercury has
dominion over very important parts of the body, including the
brain, ears, eyes, respiratory system, nervous system, and the
reflexes. Mercury signifies the teacher, writer, singer, architect,
and any profession that has a primary requirement of use of the
mind or that requires the act of communicating. Mercury's rulership
of the mind extends to anything that mimics the mind, such as
calculators, computers, and computer software.
- Uranus is symbolic of freedom and independence and the
urge for both; and is representative of excitement and thrill
seeking. Uranus also signifies change and what is new, including
the news. Also, it represents astrology, because it is the study
of changes in planets' positions, which creates new things. Since
change can be revolutionary, Uranus is representative of everything
that is new or innovative, including discoveries. Along these
lines, Uranus symbolizes what has changed the world, such as
inventions and technology, flying, space travel, and aeronautics.
But the most important rulerships of Uranus are that of fame,
the public, and whatever has to do with the public-such as the
mass media, broadcasting, and the entertainment business. Uranus
is representative of what is worldwide, pervasive, and universal
in nature or status, and publicity and publicizing. It is Uranus
that signifies the globalization of anything, and it is also
symbolic of being massive in general size or amounts. In our
bodies, Uranus is ruler of what our body does to adjust to changes;
this means Uranus rules balance, eye-hand coordination, and depth
perception; but it overlaps with Mercury in these areas.
- Saturn is symbolic of too much or too little of something,
and never just the right amount. It is also the planet of control
and dominance, and the desire for control and dominance over
others. Saturn represents restrictions and constriction-contraction
of what is helpful, and expansion of what is harmful. It governs
scientific thinking and whatever is contrary to Judeo-Christian
traditions. It is symbolic of obstruction, limitations, shortages,
destruction, losses, mistakes, hindrances, disruptions, bad luck,
dissolutions, and breaking apart. It is also representative of
revenge, selfishness, and narrow-mindedness. Saturn is the planet
of deception; and signifies temptation, deceit, deceitfulness,
the occult and attraction to the occult, and also confusion.
Saturn also governs frustration, disappointment, being unhappy,
as well as hatred and repulsion. What's interesting to note is
that Saturn signifies temptations of all kinds and being unable
to resist them. Saturn is also a sign of being below average,
in a weakened status, in ill health, and in a state of diminished
vitality and/or capacity. There are problems in this world, so
there has to be a planet that signifies them-and Saturn is the
one that does.
- Chiron is both a Financial Planet and a Romance Planet
and is the planet that has rulership over emotional ties, marriages,
weddings, the family, spouses, and children. It represents the
target of a person's romantic and marital interest. Chiron also
has rulership over promises and commitments of love, including
engagements and marriage vows. It governs fertility and pregnancies,
and the act of giving birth to children in marriage. Chiron rules
the marital and romantic instinct and desire of romance, as well
as romance itself. It also signifies karmic bonds and intuitive
trust. Chiron has dominion over charisma and a person's public
image; and being noteworthy, esteemed, distinctive, and distinguished
in appearance. Chiron is ruler of your career and how you choose
to make a living, as well as where you could be most successful.
It also signifies your earning power, the economy, and economics.
Chiron imparts extraordinary qualities. It also represents life,
death, and reincarnation, and it is symbolic of the future. To
say that Chiron is a very important planet is an understatement!
- The Sun symbolizes the actual
person, day, or entity of the astrological chart. In this regard,
the Sun can also represent a relationship, a marriage, a corporation
or partnership, a contract, a time period, and anything else
that is able to be represented. If you do not understand this,
you will after all the examples that are provided later in this
book. The Sun also has rulership over crucial parts of the body,
such as the heart and circulation system, as well as vitality
and the essence of the person.
When two planets make Magical
or Turbulent Angles to each other, the symbolisms of the planets
combine to form a meaning and create an effect. You can see that
some of the symbolisms of the planets can combine to form some
very interesting interpretations for the aspects. By knowing these
symbolisms and how to interpret aspects, you can significantly
improve your ability to deal with matters of love, money, relationships,
and careers and you are better able to fulfill your dreams.
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