Magi Astrology

Astro Fibonacci Compared to Fibonacci

Every Fibonacci ratio has an equivalent planetary ratio. The reason Fibonacci ratios work is because planetary ratios work.

Every planetary ratio corresponds to a strong support or resistance level.

Sequential Ratios

Planet Planetary Period Sequential Planetary Motion Ratio AstroFibonacci / Or Fibonacci Equivalent
Mercury 87.969 days (.2408 yr)    
Venus 224.70 days (.6151 yr) Mer/Ven = .3902 Fibonacci Equivalent is .382
Earth 365.256 days Ven/Ear = .6151 Fibonacci Equivalent is .618
Mars 2.135 years Ear/Mars = .4683 AstroFibonacci
Ceres 4.599 years Mars/Ceres = .4642 AstroFibonacci
Jupiter 11.86 years Ceres/Jup = .3877 Fibonacci Equivalent is .382
Saturn 29.45 years Jup/Sat = .4027 Nearly Fibonacci Equivalent of .382
Chiron 50.54 years Sat/Chi = .5827 AstroFibonacci
Uranus 84.07 years Chi/Ura = .6011 Nearly Fibonacci Equivalent of .618
Neptune 164.88 years Ura/Nep = .5090 Nearly Fibonacci Equivalent of .500
Pluto 248.09 years Nep/Plu = .6645 AstroFibonacci

Leap Ratios

Planet Planetary Period Leap Planetary Motion Ratio AstroFibonacci / Or Fibonacci Equivalent
Mercury 87.969 days (.2408 yr)    
Venus 224.70 days (.6151 yr)    
Earth 365.256 days Mer/Ear = .240842 Fibonacci Equivalent is .236
Mars 2.135 years Ven/Mars = .288103 AstroFibonacci
Ceres 4.599 years Ear/Ceres = .217438 AstroFibonacci
Jupiter 11.86 years Mar/Jup = .180016 AstroFibonacci
Saturn 29.45 years Cer/Sat = .156163 AstroFibonacci
Chiron 50.54 years Jup/Chi = .234666 Fibonacci Equivalent is .236
Uranus 84.07 years Sat/Ura = .350303 AstroFibonacci
Neptune 164.88 years Chi/Nep = .306526 AstroFibonacci
Pluto 248.09 years Ura/Plu = .338868 AstroFibonacci

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