Magi Astrology

Incorporation Date for Altria Group - Astrology Chart for Altria Group



Company NameIncorporation Date
Altria Group (Philip-Morris)Incorporated in Virginia on March 1, 1985 under the name of Philip Morris Companies, Inc.

Company NameSymbol
Altria Group IncMO

Financial Astrology Data: Important Information About Altria Group, Inc.

As used herein, unless the context indicates otherwise, "Altria Group, Inc." refers to the consolidated financial position, results of operations and cash flows of the Altria family of companies and the term "ALG" refers solely to the parent company. ALG's wholly-owned subsidiaries, Philip Morris USA Inc. ("PM USA") and Philip Morris International Inc. ("PMI") are engaged in the manufacture and sale of cigarettes and tobacco products. ALG's majority owned (85.4% ownership with approximately 98% voting power) subsidiary Kraft Foods Inc. ("Kraft") is engaged in the manufacture and sale of branded foods and beverages. Philip Morris Capital Corporation ("PMCC"), another wholly-owned subsidiary, maintains a portfolio of leveraged and direct finance leases. During 2003, PMCC shifted its strategic focus from an emphasis on the growth of its portfolio of finance leases through new investments to one of maximizing investment gains and generating cash flows from its existing portfolio of finance assets. Miller Brewing Company ("Miller"), engaged in the manufacture and sale of various beer products, was ALG's wholly- owned subsidiary prior to the merger of Miller into South African Breweries plc ("SAB") on July 9, 2002.




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