Magi Astrology



You are about to enter a page that allows you to view the Magi Astrology Chart of each day in November 2002. You will see a bar graph and a horizontal line listing dates in November. If you click on any of the dates, you will be taken to a link that shows the Magi Astrology Chart of that day, with aspect lines drawn in, and including the four major asteroids.


For the first seven days (November 1-7), you will also be able to read our advice for each day. This will help you understand how we arrived at the advice that we gave you in the LoveOracle™.


For the first twenty days (November 1-20), we gave you a rating (from A- to F) as to how good the day is for "meeting someone new who could be the one." Again, the ratings are included as examples of how we rate each day.


For each day, you can choose between looking at the geocentric or heliocentric chart. We will have a lot more to say about the value of heliocentric charts in the future.


Now please click here to begin to view the Magi Astrology charts for each day in November 2002.



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