The ancient Hebrew Prophets believed that whenever two planets formed a conjunction in the sky, something significant was likely to happen. They were correct. In Magi Astrology, we look at conjunctions in much the same way but we generally use the conjunction as a guide to forecasting what is most likely to happen.

For example, there was a Jupiter-Saturn conjunction during the crucial closing arguments of the Microsoft antitrust lawsuit filed by the US Attorney General's office. The positioning of this conjunction clearly foretold that Microsoft would lose the case, and would do so badly.

On Tuesday, June 6, Microsoft filed its final arguments and briefs in the case. For the two weeks prior to this, both sides (the US Attorney General's office and Microsoft) filed arguments about whether or not Microsoft should be broken up. During the entire two weeks, there was a Jupiter-Saturn conjunction. By itself, a Jupiter-Saturn conjunction was not special for Microsoft. However, the exact positioning of this particular Jupiter-Saturn conjunction played a crucial role in the outcome of the antitrust case. This is because the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction formed four Turbulent transits to important natal planets of Microsoft's birth chart. Even worse, the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction formed horrible Planetary Geometry for Microsoft. It created a Double T-Square when combined with the Microsoft natal chart. When transiting planets in the sky form a Double T-Square to the planets in a natal chart, then it is usually a sign of high turmoil. The illustration below helps to explain what we are talking about.

Below is a CAC (Combined Alignment Chart) of the birth chart of Microsoft and the transiting planets in the sky on June 6, 2000, when Microsoft filed its final closing arguments and just one day before the judge's decision. The black planets represent the positions of the planets when Microsoft was formed (its birth chart) and the red planets represent the positions of the transiting planets on June 6.



As you can see from the above chart, the conjunction of transiting Jupiter and Saturn made four Turbulent Angles; two to Microsoft's natal Pluto and two to Microsoft's natal Saturn. In addition, transiting Uranus was making a Turbulent Angle to the natal position of Pluto. All together, they formed a pattern we call a Double T-Square. This highly extraordinary alignment to a birth chart is usually a reliable sign of turbulent times. Every filing and final statement made by Microsoft's attorneys was hindered by this turbulent alignment. These turbulent alignments were especially bad for the particulars of Microsoft's case because the two T-Squares focus on the natal Pluto. Pluto rules monopolies, as explained in the Financial Astrology section of this website.



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