There was a time in 1795 when the future looked bleak for Napoleon. For more than a decade, he had dreams of glory and military conquests. He had gained the rank of Captain in the French army and had been stationed in Italy. But in 1795, he was stripped of his command and was forced to leave his army post and move to Paris. He had no money and had no real friends. He was even suspected of disloyalty to the government that was in power at that time.

But then, Chiron began to make three sets of MAGIcal transits and his whole life changed. Astrologically speaking, the most significant change occurred on March 9, 1796, when he married Josephine. Napoleon was born with a Double Grand Trine, which is an extraordinarily powerful symmetrical alignment of four planets. (As explained in our third book, Magi Astrology: the Key to Success in Love and Money.) This alignment had awesome power, although this was still not enough to fulfill his insane ambitions of military conquests. But his Marriage Chart gave him the MAGIcal and Cinderella Linkages he needed. Fortunately for him but unfortunately for nearly everyone else in Europe, from the day he married Josephine, his whole life seemed to have hitched a ride on a Starship that was also an invincible battleship. He quickly rose in the French army and became a general and commander of the French army in Italy. He won every battle. He embarked on a string of military victories unparalleled before or after. He even brought Europe to its knees and catapulted himself all the way to being crowned emperor of France.


But in 1809 Napoleon divorced Josephine and his empire began to crumble. The beginning of his fall can be timed to his divorce. When he was divorced, his Marriage Chart was also dissolved and so were his MAGIcal Linkages to that chart. Without the help of the MAGIcal linkages to his Marriage Chart, his fall was as rapid as his ascendancy. Immediately after the divorce, Napoleon's whole life changed. Almost immediately after his divorce, his far-flung empire began to experience revolts that had to be crushed. After his divorce, he lost his keen judgement of correctly assessing what was, and what was not possible from the military standpoint. More significantly, he no longer had the ability to attain the achievable and his decisions were almost all mistakes or blunders. He was even dumb enough to think he could conquer Russia.

Below is the birth chart of Napoleon Bonaparte. Note that he was born with a Double Grand Trine.

There is just one RED planet in the above chart. The red Chiron represents the position of Chiron when he married Josephine and is the position of Chiron in the Marriage Chart that lasted from 1796 to 1809. Those fourteen years were his glory years. It was also during those years that the Chiron of his Marriage Chart was perfectly placed and made four powerful linkages with his birth chart. The alignment of Chiron also made three powerful Super Linkages one of which was a Cinderella Super Linkage.

It was all he needed but fortunately for Europe, he got divorced.

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