By reading the articles below about famous CELEBRITY LOVERS,you will learn about the Astrology of Compatibility and Love.


(The site where we will use Magi Astrology to explain ALL of the recent most talked about events in the love lives of celebrities.)

[This section of our website is written with the assumption that you have read the lessons on Magi Astrology that are on the Main Page of this website, or that you have read our books. If you have not read any of our books, please at least read the free lessons on Magi Astrology located on the Main Page of this website.]

Magi Astrology is no longer just a theory. Since the publication of our books, the principles of Magi Astrology have now been confirmed because they accurately explain the major current events in the lives of celebrity lovers. The success of Magi Astrology is detailed in this Celebrity Lovers Section of this website. Magi Astrology can explain the headlines in the personal lives of celebrity lovers in a way that no other form of astrology can.

Magi Astrology is the best way to avoid future heartbreaks. It also helps you to know if someone is right for you, when love is likely to come and fulfill your dream or when you have to be especially careful in your love life. Magi Astrology provides a reliable unbiased guide as to the most likely outcome of any relationship. You can also use this knowledge to significantly improve your whole life.

By using Magi Astrology you can finally understand the astrological reasons for the most significant events in the love lives of celebrities. For example:

The answers have always been in the stars, and the principles of Magi Astrology help you to unlock these answers. Even more importantly, you should learn enough from the many examples we will be adding to this websection so that you will be able to utilize these same principles of Magi Astrology to help you better understand your own love and sex life and improve your chances of attaining happiness.

We will begin with the above events in the lives of celebrity lovers, but as more and more celebrity romances make the front pages of magazines, we will add the Magi Astrology explanation for them in this section.


As the planets move around and around, there will be very many more important happenings in the love lives of celebrities. In this section, we will regularly add links to discuss such events in the future. Come back to this section of our website to read how Magi Astrology can be applied to understand the astrological reasons for the biggest stories in the love and sex lives of celebrities.

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