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Do you believe that the alignments of the planets in the sky have an influence on what happens on Earth?

Whether you believe it or not, you will find this article interesting.

The info in this article will give you a way to test the power of the stars and know for sure that the alignments of the planets do actually have strong influences on what happens on Earth.

Today is Valentine's Day and as we write this article, Venus is trine Chiron, meaning that in the sky right now, Venus is making a 120 degree angle with Chiron.

Below is a Magi Astrology chart showing the Venus Chiron trine.

This is occurring in the Heliocentric Sky, not the geocentric sky. According to the precepts of Magi Astrology, a Heliocentric aspect is just as powerful, and sometimes more powerful, than a geocentric aspect.

As we write this article, the Venus Chiron trine in the sky now is an Applying Trine meaning that Venus and Chiron are moving closer to being exactly 120 apart (as opposed to a separating trine).

In Magi Astrology, the Venus Chiron applying trine is one of the most powerful planetary aspects. So powerful you can actually see it working - it always has a POSITIVE influence on the whole world and one of the ways we know this is that the US stock markets go UP - the alignment helps stock prices go UP.

In our very first book, Astrology Really Works!, we singled out the Venus Chiron trine as being the Magical Aspect because it is magically helpful.

The effective orb of this Venus Chiron Magical Aspect is about 1.2 degrees, meaning that the Magical Aspect will be powerful enough to influence events on Earth while Venus and Chiron are within 1.2 degrees of 120 degrees and the distance apart is becoming smaller. (The effective orb can vary about 0.4 degrees depending on many factors such as the speed of Venus in the geocentric sky.)

Here is where the fun begins -let us see what happens in the future to the US stock markets during this Magical Aspect!! We now all have something very interesting to look forward to.

Below is a listing of all the exact times Venus will trine Chiron the next couple of years -

h 28 Sep 2024 03:36 venus 120 chiron

h 26 Feb 2025 04:08 venus 120 chiron

h 12 May 2025 06:42 venus 120 chiron

h 10 Oct 2025 05:36 venus 120 chiron

h 24 Dec 2025 09:07 venus 120 chiron

h 24 May 2026 07:30 venus 120 chiron

h 07 Aug 2026 10:59 venus 120 chiron

g 30 Jul 2024 15:58 venus 120 chiron

g 03 Nov 2024 13:32 venus 120 chiron

g 16 Sep 2025 06:09 venus 120 chiron

g 18 Dec 2025 18:24 venus 120 chiron

g 10 Jul 2026 02:27 venus 120 chiron

(Exact times are 24 hour military time in New York where the stock market is located)

What we expect to happen during these upcoming Venus Chiron trines listed above is:

Most of the time (about 9 of 12) the US stock market will go UP for about the 24-hour period just before the Magical Aspect becomes exact. (Venus moves about 1.2 degrees in 24 hours.)

There may be a few times that will not be the case and the reason is that at any given moment, there are a lot of alignments in the sky at the same time and some of them may push the stock market down.

For example, if Midas is opposed to Saturn, and Sappho is opposed to Neptune, and Mars is opposed to Pluto all at the same time, those three negative aspects could overpower the Venus Chiron trine.

During the LAST 12 TIMES when there was an exact Venus Chiron applying trine, the stock market went UP 10 of the 12 times - the average up was one half percent which is significant because that would extrapolate to about 130% per year. So now we should all look ahead and see what will happen the next 12 times there will be an exact VenusChiron applying trine.


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The Magi Society provides all of our members' free software that is so versatile you can use it to cast charts for both Traditional Astrology and Magi Astrology. Of course our software includes the Saturn/Chiron and Saturn/Jupiter midpoints. But only Magi Society software can help you to fully utilize Magi Astrology principles because only Magi Society software helps you see Planetary Geometry and the true alignments of the planets. 

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