Many Financial Astrologers believe that the most crucial astrological factor in determining the price of a stock is the "First Trade Date" - which is the date a stock is first traded publicly.
To help you to test whether or not the First Trade Date has any value in predicting a stock's price movements, this website offers free information with First Trade Dates for many important corporations, like Microsoft and IBM.
As a service for everyone who has or will purchase our MagiOracle Financial Astrology Program, the Magi Society provides a database with almost 10 thousand first trade dates. This database is located on our website and almost every major corporation's first trade date is available from this database.
Some investors are long-term oriented and are willing to wait years, even decades for an investment to bloom. But most investors have a much shorter time horizon and many even look for only instant gratification.
No matter what your time horizon is, there is one strategy that always helps the investor to be as successful as possible. The strategy is simple in concept but is so difficult to achieve:
The best strategy for any investor is to follow the trend of the market.
There is an old saying on Wall Street - "A trend is your friend."
What this means is that if you are able to know the trend of a market (whether it is a bull market or a bear market), and you follow the trend, then you are most likely to make money because the trend will help you and is your friend. For example, during a bull market, over 90% of stocks go up so if you buy stocks, you will make money 90% of the time simply by holding onto the stock.
To put it another way, we should buy when we are in a bull market and we should sell short when we are in a bear market.
This advice is good for all investors and traders - this advice is even good for day-traders.
Many day-traders lose their shirts (and everything else) because they ignore the trend of the market. They make the crucial mistake of believing that because they are day trading and do not keep their investments overnight, they do not have to know whether it is a bull or bear market. This mistake can mean disaster.
Here is an interesting statistic:
During a bull market, stock prices go up about two out of every three days. This means that if we are day trading, and we go long each day during a bull market, we would make money around 66% of the time.
It also means that if we are day trading and we sell short, we would lose money 66% of the time during a bull market - NO MATTER WHAT GREAT TRADING TECHNIQUES WE USE. But the actual details of these trades are worse than that. 66% of the time when you sell short during a bull market, you would lose a LOT of money; and when you make money you would make only a small amount - no matter how well you manage the stop losses. (If you place very tight stop losses, during a bull market, a short seller will be stopped out 90% of the time.)
On the other hand, if you day-trade from the buy side during a bull market, you are likely to make money most of the time, and the average profit will exceed the average loss.
For the above reason as well as other reasons, our advice is that anyone who wishes to become truly successful at trading or investing must first learn how to recognize bull and bear markets. The Magi Society believes that Magi Astrology can help us to recognize the TRENDS of the stock and commodities markets. We believe that Magi Astrology is one of the tools that can help us to more accurately understand the stock and commodities markets. We believe this so strongly that we decide to put money on the line and tested our astrology by trading the emini futures since the beginning of this year.
How did we do?
The principles of Magi Astrology worked well enough for us that since the beginning of the year we made money on five out of six trades. Not perfect but good enough by any realistic standard. Our average winner was 10.00 S&P points and our single loser was about the same. The result is a 50% profit on the $4000 margin requirement for the emini future contract (but we invested more than just $4000).
The Magi Society also has a stock trading record. Our record was 5 for 5 profitable stock trades (done a few years ago and we have been dormant ever since because that was enough of a test). So our overall record for stocks and futures is now 10 winners out of 11 trades. We welcome any other Financial Astrologer or Financial Astrology Software company to reveal their track record. Maybe we even dare them.
Of course past performance is no guarantee of future success - in fact we wish to warn all of you that most persons never master Magi Astrology well enough to help them invest better. Magi Astrology is highly logical and few have the ability to master it. And it will take most intelligent persons years, if not decades, to adequately master Magi Astrology to the extent that they can utilize it to improve their investment performance.
But a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step and we suggest you take the first steps by reading the material on this website. They teach you the very basics of how to utilize some Magi Astrology principles to better understand whether it is a bull or bear market.