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A New Way to Know For Sure if Someone is Special

How To Use Your Transits to Better Know
If Someone Is Right For You

August 22, 2011

We have good news for those who are not sure that the person we love is really the right person for us. This article will help us learn a NEW way to resolve the doubts.

Old astrological methods do not work. When it comes to matters of love and compatibility, Traditional Astrology has been recommending synastry. But more often than not, the synastry of Traditional Astrology is ambiguous and does not give us any clear answers. Too often, Traditional Astrology is in fact more confusing than clarifying.

Magi Astrology techniques provide clarity - Cinderella Linkages or Heartbreak Clashes are not ambiguous. However, we know that a lot of times, people who apply Magi principles do not want to accept what Magi Astrology tells them.

Most of us would like things to work out with the person we are with so if we form a lot of clashes with our significant other, we tend to want to ignore them in our analysis.

So what we need is some kind of confirmation that the linkages and clashes we see are really important.

Here is how you get confirmation.

Believe it or not, we can actually analyze our transits to help give us great clues about our relationship.

That's right - by analyzing our transits, we can learn if someone is the right one for us.

For example, Magi Astrology says that when you are having great Cinderella Transits, what happens to you is good for you in the long run.

According to Magi Astrology, when you are having Cinderella Transits, a person that is good for you comes closer to you, but someone who is bad for you will fade into the background.

This is all part of the magic of the way astrology was designed by Providence.

Cinderella Transits are magical - they help you in the way you need help - Cinderella Transits bring you closer to everyone who is good for you and Cinderella Transits push away people who are bad for you.

[Those of you who own the Magi Society's Members Only Interpretation Software already know this because our interpretations informed you about all this. This is one of the reasons Magi Society interpretations are the most accurate astrological interpretations available.]

To help you better understand this Magi principle, let us analyze the transits that Sandra Bullock had when she broke up with her creepy ex-husband, Jesse James.


Sandra Bullock Had Cinderella Transits When She Divorced Jesse James

Recently, People Magazine put Sandra Bullock on its cover and featured an article describing how happy Sandra Bullock is now, one year after divorcing "her infamously unfaithful husband, Jesse James."

Everyone agrees Bullock is much better off without Jesse James.

We wrote an article about Sandra and her ex - please click here to read it. The main point of our article was that Sandra Bullock was an emotional captive of Jesse James.

Our article taught you the astrology of why Sandra was under a captivation spell.

A captivation is essentially an astrological spell that is very hard to break.

But fortunately for her, in 2010, she was blessed with a fistful of Cinderella Transits and other great transits that had the power to dissolve the captivation that had chained her to Jesse James. Sandra's great transits broke the spell and she was finally able to realize that Jesse James was definitely not her Mr. Right.

The two charts below show us the fabulous transits Sandra had on March 30, 2010, the day Jesse James essentially began to permanently fade out of Sandra's life by checking into a "rehab" clinic - a sex rehab clinic. The black planets represent the positions of the planets when Sandra Bullock was born and the red planets represent the positions of the planets on March 30, 2010 when Jesse James left.

Geocentric CAC:

The geocentric chart above reveals that Sandra Bullock had three great geocentric transits: a Cinderella Transit, a Golden Transit and one Culmination Transit.

When Sandra first heard from the tabloids that Jesse James cheated on her more than a few times, she was surely devastated and she was not sure what to think or what to do.

If Sandra owned the Magi Society Romance Transits Interpretation Upgrades - she would have quickly known that her transits were telling her that Jesse James was really bad for her and she should divorce him. Below are the three important transits Sandra Bullock was having along with excerpts from the Magi Society Romance Transit Interpretation Upgrade:

Geocentric transiting Pluto trine natal Uranus: Magi Society software interpretation says: "CULMINATION TRANSIT. This transit quite often can bring your relationship to a culmination. ...if you are with someone that is bad for you, your relationship could break off at this time.

Geocentric transiting Jupiter conjunct natal Chiron: Magi Society software interpretation says: "CINDERELLA TRANSIT. Right now, you are in your Cinderella Time. During this transit, those that are good for you come closer to you and those that are bad for you fade into the background."

Geocentric transiting Jupiter trine your natal Neptune: Magi Society software interpretation says: "ROMANTIC GOLDEN TRANSIT. ... if you are already with the right person, this transit helps to solidify your mutual love and brings peace and a high level of giving. But if you are with the wrong person, this transit has a way of giving you a sign to warn you about it, and you should heed."

[The above are merely short excerpts from the Magi Society Romance Transit Interpretation Upgrade. The full interpretations are much longer and much more complete.]

When your transits are great, they have a way of helping you to break a captivation spell and make much better new beginnings.

Sandra's transits were fantastic so it was relatively easy for her to decide to divorce Jesse James and move on. Below is another chart showing her Heliocentric transits on the same day:

As you can see, Sandra had great transits. Her stars were great.

But when your stars are bad, they have a way of stealing things you already have that have been good for you. Kate Middleton is a good great example of this. Click here to read about how a Heartbreak Transit almost broke her off with Prince William in 2007.

Using Transits to Judge Relationships

You can use transits to judge whether any relationship is meant to be.

You do not have to wait for anything truly dramatic to happen in order to gain insight. Every relationship has its ups and downs. If you are undecided about the person you are with, check your transits whenever you have a great up or a severe down and keep a record of all this. Then when you have good transits, review these records and you will gain clarity and better know whether you should stay with the person or need to move on.

You can achieve all of this because Magi Astrology interpretations are more accurate than any other. And Magi Astrology principles really work.



Magi Astrology is easy to learn and is the only form of astrology that actually helps you to improve your life.  With Magi Astrology, you can improve your love life and your career; and you can avoid heartbreaks in both love and business. This may sound like quite an exaggeration but please judge for yourself.  We invite you to a free download of the first 14 chapters of our third book by clicking here.  Reading these chapters is the best way to begin to learn Magi Astrology.


For over a decade, we have been able to consistently use the simple rules of Magi Astrology to explain the love life of hundreds of famous people on our websites because Magi Astrology Really Works.  This website has hundreds of articles all proving Magi Astrology Really Works.


Have you noticed that other astrology websites have only a few examples of charts to back their theories?

The reason they have so few examples is because their theories do not work and therefore they have lots of trouble finding examples that back up their theories.

But the Magi Society has no problem whatsoever finding examples to back up the principles of Magi Astrology because Magi Astrology Really Works.

If you would like to gain the Magi Advantage and improve your life, please consider joining the Magi Society.  We are an "open" society, meaning anyone is welcome, and you are not obligated to help the society in any way if you become a member.  EVERY MEMBER RECEIVES FREE SOFTWARE from us called ASTROGEOMETRY.  Membership is just $80 for the first year and $55 for each additional year.  The Magi Society is the world's largest association of astrologers with over 5500 members in 34 countries worldwide.

The Magi Society provides all of our members free software that is so versatile you can use it to cast charts for both Traditional Astrology and Magi Astrology. Of course our software includes the Saturn/Chiron and Saturn/Jupiter midpoints. But only Magi Society software can help you to fully utilize Magi Astrology principles because only Magi Society software helps you see Planetary Geometry and the true alignments of the planets. 

Optional Interpretation Upgrades for Magi Society Software

Magi Society members may also purchase optional interpretations upgrades that provide not only superbly accurate interpretations but also great advice that give you the Magi Advantage.

There are other valuable benefits of membership in the Magi Society.  We offer a free Certification Program for our members who would like to build a career as a professional astrologer, either full time or part time.  We also hold Magi Astrology Workshops by conference calls so that our members may more easily learn Magi Astrology.  If you would like information on our software and/or other membership benefits, please click here and send us an email

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