January 17, 2001

This is the Celebrity Lovers Section of our website. Al Gore and George Bush are not exactly celebrity lovers, but they sure are political celebrities so we will talk about them here. Besides, while the year 2000 election madness was full blown in Florida, we received the most emails asking us to make a prediction who would win.

At the Magi Society, 375 years of experience tells us that astrology will help us to foretell the general trends that will come to pass IN THE ORDINARY COURSE. We emphasize "in the ordinary course," because we have witnessed very many times when prayers were answered in the lives of individuals, and the "ordinary course" was completely changed. We regard it harmful when astrologers and other "seers" make sweeping predictions and leave no room for the possibility of Divine Intervention. They either do not believe in the existence of Providence or think of Providence as just a spectator.

Magi Astrology gives you the clearest possible peek into the likely future. Unless there is Divine Intervention, the direction of the future is normally readily predictable using the principles of Magi Astrology. Bush and Gore are perfect examples of this. Bush became the Cinderella of the Republicans, and Gore -- well, we will see.


The key to Cinderella is Chiron. When Al Gore made his very gracious concession speech on December 13, George Bush was having a Cinderella Transit. Chiron was making a MAGIcal Angle to his natal Venus. Every time a transiting planet in the sky makes a MAGIcal Angle to one of our natal planets, it is helpful. Bush actually had eleven MAGIcle transits in just the longitudes.

Below is a CAC for George W. Bush on Dec. 13. The black planets represent the positions of the planets when he was born and the red planets represent the positions of the transiting planets in the sky when Al Gore conceded the election on national television.

Bush also had two Turbulent Transits at the time. One was minor and the other was no longer important because it was a "Separating Turbulent Transit." A Separating Turbulent Transit is one in which the transiting planet is moving away from making an exact Turbulent Angle to a natal planet. This is in contrast to an "Applying Turbulent Transit" where the transiting planet is moving towards forming an exact Turbulent Angle to a natal planet. In Magi Astrology, we regard Separating Turbulent Transits as ones that are no longer powerful because the power of the Turbulent Transit is gone when the transiting planet is moving away from making an exact Turbulent Angle. We explained this in our books in detail.


In Al Gore's case, unfortunately for him and the Democratic Party, he had five Applying Turbulent Transits and one of them was the Heartbreak Transit. When Al Gore conceded the presidency to George Bush on December 13, Saturn was making a Turbulent Angle to his natal Chiron and this was an Applying Turbulent Transit because Saturn was moving towards making an exact Turbulent Angle. As explained elsewhere on this website, this Turbulent Transit is a very reliable sign of heartbreak and it broke Gore's heart, as well as those of millions of other Americans. More than anything else, Gore's heartfelt dream was to be president.

Below is a CAC of Al Gore's chart showing his transits on the day he conceded. The black planets represent the positions of the planets when he was born and the red planets represent the positions of the transiting planets in the sky when he conceded the presidency to George Bush.

As you can see, the principles of Magi Astrology worked well enough to help anyone who applied and utilized them to know that somehow or other, unless there was Divine Intervention, Bush would win.


In our experience, we have learned that when someone first learns the information on this website and in our books, one of the first things the person does is to check out his/her own life and apply the new knowledge. When you do this, it is very helpful to keep in mind that astrology is a Benevolent Design of a Benevolent Providence. This means if you see you are going to have horrendous Turbulent Transits coming, there is not reason to panic. We have learned from 375 years of experience that when a person is AWARE of the presence of Turbulent Transits, and ACTS PRUDENTLY AND RESPONSIBLY during those transits, then life is not so bad during such transits. That is one of the reasons why knowledge of Magi Astrology can be of significant help. The problems that generally result from Turbulent Transits are caused primarily from not knowing about the presence of the Turbulent Transits and becoming careless during the transits. If we are careful, we will be all right.

The stars do not actively create problems for us; it is we ourselves who create our problems and we are most likely to do that during Turbulent Transits. We always have our own free will but we have to work harder to exercise it during Turbulent Transits. You see, during Turbulent Transits, we all have the tendencies to be careless and less responsible. In most cases, our bad habits are at their worst during Turbulent Transits. But if we overcome our worst habits and if we work hard and do our best to fulfill our commitments and responsibilities, we will get through Turbulent Transits in pretty good shape. Afterwards, we will be in a position to take the greatest advantage of our MAGIcal Transits, which normally follow Turbulent Transits. That is right, MAGIcal Transits normally follow Turbulent Transits. That is the way astrology is Designed and that is one of the reasons why we believe astrology is a Benevolent Design.

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