August 20, 2004

As of today, every Internet site we checked on tells us that Jennifer Lopez was born July 24, 1970. And all of the books published with celebrity birth data also list J LO's birth date as July 24, 1970. With such unanimity, one might think they must all be right. But they are all wrong.

J Lo was actually born on July 24, 1969. The websites of the Magi Society ( and were the first websites to give you the correct birth date for J Lo.

On September 6, 2003, the Magi Society published a link about J Lo and used July 24, 1969 as her birth date even though every other website claimed that J Lo was born one year later in 1970. In that article we wrote and posted on this website, we included the following Editor's Note:

Editor's Note: Most sources at this time use July 24, 1970 as the birth date for Jennifer Lopez. That is the date J Lo's publicist claims is her birth date. Nice try J Lo. BUT: when J Lo was arrested with Sean Combs in New York after the night club shooting incident, she wrote, under oath, in the police report, that she was born July 24, 1969. Her high school classmates who were interviewed on a special TV show we taped also confirm this date.

It took a while but now, almost a year after we first published the above link, major magazines have caught on to the truth about J Lo and her real birth date. People Magazine and US Weekly both now agree with the Magi Society. According to the August 9, 2004 issues of both People Magazine and US Weekly, Jennifer Lopez celebrated her 35th birthday a short time ago on July 24. In addition, during the week of J Lo's birth day last month, both of NBC's major celebrity programs (Access Hollywood and Extra) ran stories on television informing viewers that J LO was celebrating her 35th birthday. J LO turned 35 on July 24, 2004 - which means she was born on July 24, 1969.

Accurate birth data is essential for astrologers. Having incorrect birth data floating around the Internet can create big problems for astrologers. Sadly, many astrologers had written articles about J Lo based on her wrong birth date.

We were not one of them. We wrote two links about J Lo; one link was posted on September 6, 2003 and that had the correct birth date. But two years earlier we used her wrong birth date when we posted an article on October 7, 2001, about J Lo and Sean Combs. (You can read that link by clicking here.)


There are quite a few different types of astrology (like Sun Sign Astrology and Vedic Astrology) and we believe Magi Astrology is by far the most useful and accurate type of astrology. A good test of whether a form of astrology works or doesn't work is to see what happens when a corrected birth date comes to light. The correction in J Lo's birth date has helped to once again demonstrate how well Magi Astrology Really Works because Magi Astrology works better with the real birth date than with the wrong birth date.

Three years ago when we used the wrong birth date, we wrote about J Lo and Sean Combs. Here is what we wrote:

Posted October 7, 2001 using the wrong birth date for J Lo:

Why does a couple think they are in love at first, and then never want to see each other again?

The answers have always been in the stars and Magi Astrology provides you the answers because it teaches you how to understand the language of the stars. Lopez and Combs are a perfect example of how you can use the principles of Magi Astrology to understand any relationship.

PRINCIPLE A: Through Magi Astrology, we know that when a couple think they are in love, it is almost surely because they form at least one Romantic Super Linkage in their CAC (Combined Alignment Chart). Lopez and Combs are good examples of this. They form two Romantic Super Linkages.

PRINCIPLE B: Through Magi Astrology, we also know that when a couple form more than one very bad Saturn Clash (especially the Heartbreak Clash or the Nuclear Clash), then there is a likelihood that the couple will ultimately be incompatible and break up. Lopez and Combs are good examples of this. They form four very bad Saturn Clashes.

Over and over, we learn through Magi Astrology that if a couple at first thinks they are in love and they enter a serious love relationship, but they break up, then that couple probably has both a Romantic Super Linkage (to create the attraction) and also Saturn Clashes (to create the incompatibility).

This is the case with Jennifer and Combs. This is also the case with almost every famous couple who thought they were in love and then broke up.

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From ( ... their CAC) you can see that Combs and Lopez form four Saturn Clashes, including the Nuclear Clash. These Saturn Clashes created a lot of turbulence in the relationship and by all accounts, their relationship was certainly stormy.

You might be wondering how two persons with all those Saturn Clashes could have ever gotten serious in the first place. The answer is simple. The key to attraction is Chiron! Lopez and Combs were extraordinarily drawn to each other because they also formed four Chiron Linkages, and three of them are Cinderella Linkages. The two Cinderella Linkages in the declinations combine to form a Romantic Super Linkage, while the two Chiron Linkages in the longitudes combine to form another Romantic Super Linkage.

Now that there can be no question what J Lo's real birth date is, let us again do a Magi Astrology analysis of J Lo and Sean Combs and see if Principle A and Principle B (as stated in the above box) works with the real birth date. When we do this, what we find is that Magi Astrology works even better with the correct birth date. (It was just a coincidence that the incorrect birth date gave us plausible astrological explanations.)

Here is our revised analysis of the Lopez/Combs relationship.

The Magi Society's revised analysis of J Lo and Sean Combs' CAC:

Why does a couple think they are in love at first, and then never want to see each other again?

The answers have always been in the stars and Magi Astrology provides you the answers because it teaches you how to understand the language of the stars. Lopez and Combs are a perfect example of how you can use the principles of Magi Astrology to understand any relationship.

PRINCIPLE A: Through Magi Astrology, we know that when a couple think they are in love, it is almost surely because they form at least one Romantic Super Linkage in their CAC (Combined Alignment Chart). Lopez and Combs are good examples of this. They form Romantic Super Linkages and these Super Linkages in turn form Symmetrical Planetary Geometry - they form a Double Grand Trine.

PRINCIPLE B: Through Magi Astrology, we also know that when a couple form more than one very bad Saturn Clash (especially the Heartbreak Clash or the Nuclear Clash), then there is a likelihood that the couple will ultimately be incompatible and break up. Lopez and Combs are good examples of this because their CAC form just as many Saturn Clashes as they form Chiron Linkages.

Over and over, we learn through Magi Astrology that if a couple at first thinks they are in love and they enter a serious love relationship, but they break up, then that couple probably has both a Romantic Super Linkage (to create the attraction) and also Saturn Clashes (to create the incompatibility).

This is the case with Jennifer and Combs. This is also the case with almost every famous couple who thought they were in love and then broke up.

Below is the corrected CAC of J Lo and Sean Combs. The black planets represent the positions of the planets when J Lo was born and the red planets represent the positions of the planets when Sean Combs was born.

Because Sean Combs' Saturn and Chiron are 30 degrees apart, his Chiron and Saturn each make three crucial interaspects to J Lo's Sun, Mars and Mercury. This unusual type of multiple alignments normally creates a roller coaster relationship of great highs and deep lows and that is exactly what happened within their stormy and steamy love affair. After they had their first big break up in October of 2001, they kept coming back together after each of J Lo's subsequent romances failed. For example, when Ben Affleck did not show up at the altar the first time around, J Lo was on the phone with Sean for 6 hours and he flew in to see her. When Ben Affleck did not show up at the altar the second time, J Lo and Sean got together again in Miami.

Speaking about Ben Affleck, below is the CAC of J Lo and Ben Affleck. This is the right time to look at their CAC, which is below. The black planets represent the positions of the planets when J Lo was born and the red planets represent the positions of the planets when Ben Affleck was born.

Ben and J Lo also had a stormy and steamy love affair that was followed by all the tabloids. They had set two wedding dates and both times, Ben backed out and J Lo was humiliated and heartbroken.

Why did this happen to them?

The answers are always in the stars and Magi Astrology understands the language of the stars.

In the above CAC, you can easily see that J Lo and Ben formed a lot more Juno Linkages than Chiron Linkages. We have recently revealed in our website links just prior to this one that the Magi Society's research allowed us to discover that Juno rules the mistress and sexual affairs and that when there are too many Juno Linkages in a CAC, the chances of marriage are very much reduced. Juno Linkages are signs of love affairs that do not blossom into marriage.

As beautiful and desirable as J Lo is, Ben stood her up two times at the altar because marrying her was not in the stars. According to Magi Astrology: Juno Linkages are signs of love affairs that do not end in marriage. Chiron Linkages are signs of love affairs that result in marriage. Too many Juno Linkages will reduce the chances of marriage.

J Lo and Ben are perfect examples of how well these principles of Magi Astrology about Juno and Chiron actually work.

In fact, J Lo and Ben had a number of powerful Juno Linkages but they had only one Chiron Linkage. Even worse, the only Chiron Linkage they had was the Chiron/Uranus Linkage-that is the only Chiron Linkage that does NOT improve the chances of two persons getting married. In Magi Astrology, we refer to the Chiron/Uranus Linkage as the Fluctuating Linkage. The Magi Society offers computer software with very accurate and helpful interpretations and our interpretation for the Chiron/Uranus linkage includes the following excerpt:

"FLUCTUATING RELATIONSHIP. Because of Uranus' love for change, excitement and experimentation, this linkage can be a sign that one or both of you will find it difficult to commit to a serious relationship with each other. This is because with this linkage, one or both of your feelings for each other tend to fluctuate. If this is the only Chiron Linkage between the two of you, the result is usually an eventual breakup ... "

So Ben and J Lo really had virtually no chance of being married and living happily ever after. The stars were very stacked against them and they are a classic example of star-crossed lovers. With Magi Astrology, we can understand the astrology of why their relationship was the way it was and why it ended the way it did.

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