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What Are Triangle Aspects and
Why Are They So Powerful?

November 18, 2021

If your future trends are predictable, you would be able to improve your life by taking advantage of the good trends, and also by not taking risks during bad trends.

Magi Astrology can predict your up times and down times ahead of time. And we can prove this to you by applying the principles of Magi Astrology to predict well known events, such as sports.

If you are a fan of American Football , you know that last Sunday (Nov. 14) the best quarterback in football, Tom Brady of Tampa Bay, lost his second game in row to one of the worst teams in football, Washington who had lost 6 games and won only 2. Tom Brady is a seven time Super Bowl winner, and he rarely loses two games in a row. It has happened only about once every one and a half seasons.

No statistician or psychic expected Brady to lose the last two games. But the principles of Magi Astrology predicted he would have two very bad games in a row and therefore betting against his team would have been a lot of fun.

The Magi Society offers subscriptions to two mobile web apps that would have readily shown you charts that predicted Brady would have very very weak games. One such app is the MagicalOracle and the other is the SportsCrystalBall. Both web apps help you predict anyones' future good and bad days by giving you amazingly accurate and useful data that is only available from Magi Society software.

Below is one such chart:

The chart above was drawn by the Magi Society's SportsCrystalBall mobile web app. The app can find all the magical transits to a single natal planet and show them all on one chart. Or you can tell the app to find all the tricky transits to a single natal planet and show those all on one chart.

The chart above shows the "tricky" heliocentric transits to Brady's natal Mars on November 14 2021, the day he lost his second game in a row.

[Magi Astrology charts like the one above show both natal and transiting planets on the same chart so that you can see only what is necessary - it is confusing to have a chart show all transits to all natal planets all on one chart. The natal Mars is represented by a black glyph and all transiting "planets" are represented by red glyphs.]

Note that there are five transiting lines connecting a transiting "planet" to natal Mars. The SportsCrystalBall app also connects lines between each pair of transiting planets so you can see the triangular patterns formed.

You should look at the above chart as a composite of 11 separate triangles. There are two types of triangles, ones that include natal mars and ones that do not.

The important triangles are the ones that include natal Mars. These are TRIANGLE TRANSITS.

A Triangle Transit is a transit made by two transiting planets to a single natal planet, in this case natal Mars.

A triangle transit is at least three times more powerful than a transit made by a single transiting planet.

If the shape of the triangle is symmetrical, and the transiting planets are beneficial, then the Triangle Transit is Magical and provides great assistance.

But if the triangle is not symmetrical, and the transiting planets are "hostile" then the Triangle Transit is Tricky and can cause problems.

You could have used the above chart to know ahead of time that Tom Brady was likely to lose his second game in a row because he would have five hostile non-symmetrical triangle aspects to his natal Mars during the game

With the help of the SportsCrystalBall, you can easily see and understand if you or anyone else is having good or bad transits in the following twelve different areas of life:

Below are other Magi Astrology Charts that the SportCrystalBall created that clearly show Tom Brady was going to play very poorly on Nov. 14 2021.

Lots of bad triangle transits.

Lots of bad triangle transits.

What Are the Differences Between MagicalOracle and SportsCrystalBall

What Are the Differences between the Magi Society's mobile app we call MagicalOracle and SportsCrystalBall?

They are both state of the art super advanced mobile web apps that work from any mobile phone or tablet, and also from any personal computer. If you can get on the internet with a device, you can use both of these mobile apps.

Anyone may subscribe to either or both of these mobile web apps. You do not have to be a Magi Society member but members receive a discount.

There are three main differences:

One: The SportsCrystalBall includes databases of professional athletes so that you can easily check the transits of professional athletes.

Two: The SportsCrystalBall includes ephemerides of "planets" that are especially important for predicting athletic performance. If you look at the charts above, you will notice that some of the aspect lines are light purple. Those are aspect lines that are made by "Flash Planets" which are astrobodies (like asteroids) that move very fast and can make a difference in a game because games are played for only a few hours. A Flash Transit can come just before a game and be gone shortly after a game. That is why we include them - so that you can more precisely predict how well athletes will play during a particular game.

Three: The SportsCrystalBall focuses on giving you transit information on the twelve areas that are listed in the twelve colored buttons above (three pictures above) but the MagicalOracle focuses on giving you transit information for the following fifteen more diversified categories of your life:

The most important transits you can have are Triangle Transits and only Magi Society mobile web apps can provide that crucial information to you.

The Magi Society launched the MagicalOracle not long ago. Please click here to learn more about MagicalOracle.

Please click here if you wish to subscribe to the MagicalOracle.

The MagicalOracle also tells you more about any relationship. More than you ever thought possible.  If you would like to better understand any relationship, you should consider subscribing to our MagicalOracle.  You do not have to be a member to subscribe but Magi Society members do receive a discount.  Members pay just $95 per year, non-members pay only $125 per year.

If you wish to subscribe to the mobile MagicalOracle, simply click here.

If you wish to subscribe to the mobile SportsCrystalBall please click on the link below:


Only Magi Astrology helps you to better understand the past and helps you better predict the future so that you can improve the future for yourself.

Magi Astrology is easy to learn and is the only form of astrology that actually helps you to improve your life.  With Magi Astrology, you can improve your love life and your career; and you can avoid heartbreaks in both love and business. This may sound like quite an exaggeration but please judge for yourself. We invite you to a free download of the first 14 chapters of our third book by clicking here.  Reading these chapters is the best way to begin to learn Magi Astrology.


Since 1999, we have been able to consistently use the simple rules of Magi Astrology to explain the love life of hundreds of famous people on our websites because Magi Astrology Really Works.  This website has hundreds of articles all backing up the fact that Magi Astrology Really Works.

If you would like to gain the Magi Advantage and improve your life, please consider joining the Magi Society.  We are an "open" society, meaning anyone is welcome, and you are not obligated to help the society in any way if you become a member.  EVERY MEMBER RECEIVES FREE SOFTWARE program from us called:


Membership is still just $80 for the first year and $55 for each additional year.  The Magi Society is the world's largest association of astrologers with over 5500 members in 39 countries worldwide.

The Magi Society provides all of our members' free software that is so versatile you can use it to cast charts for both Traditional Astrology and Magi Astrology.  Of course our software includes the Saturn/Chiron and Saturn/Jupiter midpoints.  But only Magi Society software can help you to fully utilize Magi Astrology principles because only Magi Society software helps you see Planetary Geometry and the true alignments of the planets.

Magi Society members may also purchase optional interpretations upgrades that provide not only superbly accurate interpretations but also great advice that give you the Magi Advantage.

There are other valuable benefits of membership in the Magi Society.  We offer a free Certification Program for our members who would like to build a career as a professional astrologer, either full time or part time (and if you join us for at least five years).  We also hold Magi Astrology Workshops by conference calls so that our members may more easily learn Magi Astrology.  If you would like information on our software and/or other membership benefit, please click here.

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