There is an answer for everything and you can find all these answers in the stars.
But popular forms of astrology rarely understand the stars.
Only Magi Astrology can help you understand the secrets of the stars AND IMPROVE YOUR OWN STARS.
Magi Astrology is the system of astrology fully formulated and perfected by the Magi Society - a secret society of Christian astrologers that traces its roots 400 years back to the mystical Shiao Lin masters of Chekiang Province in China.
Once you master the principals of Magi Astrology, and know some of the precepts of the Master Magi, you can not only understand and predict what is most likely to happen in the future, you can even sometimes bend the direction of what will happen enough to make huge improvements in future lives.
Do you wish to bend your future and make it better Yes, of course - we all do.
With this article here, you can start learning how to accomplish what kings and slaves have tried to do ever since the dawn of human life
You can learn Magi Astrology and improve your life by harnessing the many powers of the stars.
With the help of advanced Magi Astrology, you can finally accomplish what everyone has thought to be impossible - change the future and fulfill your dreams and amaze everyone else by
You can achieve all of this by mastering the precepts of Magi Astrology.
The first step is to learn how to predict the most likely outcome of things to come by mastering the simple and basic principles of Magi Astrology.
When it comes to predicting the future, Magi Astrology is light years ahead of anything else.
We gave all of our members an example of how well the Magi Society can predict the US stock market. Just a month ago, we recommended to them to buy a particular stock (an ETF to be more precise) on a particular day and time, and then to sell it just a few days later at a particular time, and in so doing make an amazing tidy quick profit - the ETF went straight up and was the biggest gainer of all ETFs.
We will write an article about all of this soon and post it for you to read and you can verify what we just wrote is true. The Magi Society has decided to make more predictions on a more or less regular basis so you can take advantage of our insights and see for yourself how accurate and powerful Magi Astrology can be.
In 1999, the Magi Society published its third book, Magi Astrology the Key to Success in Love and Money, and revealed the Magi Society discovery that Chiron (a minor planet according to astronomy) actually has extraordinarily strong astrological influences and was the most powerful of all known AstroBodies.
(An AstroBody is any solar system body that has astrological influences such as a planet or asteroid.)
According to a basic principle of Magi Astrology, the success or failure of anything a person begins (like getting married or starting a job) is determined by
BOTH must be perfect to achieve super success.
Our third book revealed that the worst transit anyone can have occurs when transiting Saturn makes any aspect to natal Chiron, the worst ones being the opposition, square and conjunction
When Kamala Harris began her endeavor to become President and accepted the nominations of the Democratic Party, her transits were horrible - she had two heartbreak transits and therefore she was doomed to fail.
Below are chartwheels showing there were two Ultimate Heartbreak Transits. One chartwheel shows the geocentric sky and the other displays the heliocentric sky. The chartwheels were created by the MagicalOracle, which is the Magi Society's amazing mobile web app.
Below is the geocentric chartwheel - the black glyph represent Kamala Harris' natal Chiron and the red glyphs represent the most important transiting planets that are acting against the natal Chiron
And this next chart is the heliocentric wheel
You can easily see that transiting Saturn was making a conjunction to Harris's natal Chiron in the geocentric chart.
What does it mean when transiting Saturn is making a conjunction or opposition to a person's natal Chiron
With the Magi Society's MagicalOracle Pro mobile app, you can read the Magi Society's copyrighted interpretations for all of the most important transits. Just click a couple of buttons to get the interpretations for all the most important transits.
Below are the most crucial interpretations
Harris accepted the nomination while she was having horrible transits - her transit of Saturn opposition Chiron and Saturn conjunct to Chiron has the Magi Astrology interpretation of "Ultimate Heartbreak transit" and "Anything you begin now will be risky and will likely fail."
Kamala Harris was also having another horrible transit when she officially became the Democratic Party nominee - you can see this additional horrible transit in the chartwheel below
Transiting Saturn was opposed to Kamala Harris' natal Pluto. Pluto is representative of power, including political power. The Saturn opposition to Pluto transit is the worst transit a politician can have.
With the help of the Magi Society MagicalOracle Pro version, any novice astrologer can be more accurate than any professional astrologer - we kid you not.
But the Magi Society MagicalOracle does a lot more than find and interpret the most important transits anyone is having on any day and time. The MagicalOracle also gives you the Planetary Geometry and Synchronizations of all the important transits.
If you look closely at the first chartwheel above, you can see that the chartwheel has many interconnected triangles. Well guess what Each triangle has its own influences and interpretations. And they make the difference between a novice and a Superior Master Magi. A Superior Master Magi understands every single triangle and that is the difference between being a spectator watching the stars do their will as opposed to a Master Magi harnessing the power of the stars.
If you might be interested in getting our MagicalOracle Mobile Web App, please click here for more information
And please click here to get MagicalOracle: