October 10, 2005

Every celebrity watcher knows that material girl Madonna had her first baby with Carlos Leone, her "personal trainer." The baby was a girl born on Oct. 14, 1996 and Madonna named her Lourdes Maria Ciccone Leone. Ciccone is Madonna's real maiden name.

The relationship of Madonna and Carlos was so famous that almost every astrologer has wanted to study their charts and do a compatibility analysis - but no astrologer knew Carlos Leone's birth date.

Until now.

The Magi Society has finally received enough evidence to confirm that Carlos Leone was born July 13, 1966.

[From time to time, we get emails from anonymous persons who claim that one of the birth dates on our site is wrong but none of these emails ever include any evidence to back up their assertions. Although it is possible we will one day be wrong, so far we have a perfect record because the Magi Society does its homework. For example, this Magi Society website was the first to provide the correct birth date for Osama Bin Laden, Jennifer Lopez and now Carlos Leone.]

Madonna met Carlos in New York City while she was jogging in Central Park. They immediately had an affair that was the sensational topic of all the tabloids. Their affair was fairly lengthy (by Madonna's standards) and very steamy (by anyone's standards). At the time, Madonna was in her late thirties and with the biological clock ticking along, Madonna decided she wanted a baby and she also decided to have one with Carlos but she would not marry him. Madonna has said that she was in love with Carlos when she conceived their child, but fell out of love before the child was born and she did not want to marry him.

So what made Madonna choose to have a baby with Carlos Leone? And why did Madonna say that she was in love with Carlos at one time?

The answers are always in the stars and Magi Astrology helps us to read the secrets of the stars!

Once we apply the principles of Magi Astrology to the CAC of Madonna and Carlos Leone, it is easy to understand the astrological reasons Madonna chose to have her first baby with Carlos Leone. But before we check out the CAC for Carlos and Madonna, let us examine the CACs created by Madonna and the two other most important men in her life, Sean Penn and Guy Ritchie. There have been more than just a few men in Madonna's life and we picked these two other men because Madonna had married each of them.

Below is the CAC of Madonna and Sean Penn. The black planets represent the positions of the planets when Madonna was born and the red planets represent the positions of the planets when Sean Penn was born.

In the above CAC, we drew blue lines between Madonna's natal Venus and Neptune, and Sean Penn's natal Chiron. Those three planets form a special type of triangle that the Magi Society calls a MYSTICAL TRIANGLE.

A Mystical triangle is formed by three planets where one side is a trine, one side is a square and the third side is a quincunx.

A Mystical Triangle in a CAC is very powerful and creates a very high level of mutual attraction. In the Magi Astrology, the Mystical Triangle that is most powerful in creating love and romantic attraction is the one that is formed by the three Magi Romance Planets. There are three Magi Romance Planets and they are Chiron, Venus and Neptune. So when it comes to love, a Mystical Triangle formed by Chiron, Venus and Neptune is the most powerful of all possible Mystical Triangles and they are signs of nearly irresistible mutual romantic attraction. Such Mystical Triangles are so powerful and important that we give them a special name - we call them Romantic Mystical Triangles.

A Romantic Mystical Triangle is a Mystical Triangle formed by the three Romance Planets (Chiron, Venus and Neptune).

A Romantic Mystical Triangle is extremely rare. The average woman or man never gets a chance to date anyone with whom she or he forms a Romantic Mystical Triangle.

A Romantic Mystical Triangle is unbelievably powerful.

So powerful that:

Madonna forms a Romantic Mystical Triangle with Sean Penn, whom she married.

Madonna also forms a Romantic Mystical Triangle with Guy Ritchie, whom she married.

Madonna also forms a Romantic Mystical Triangle with Carlos Leone, with whom she had her first baby.

Below is the CAC of Madonna and Guy Ritchie, who is presently married to Madonna and with whom she has two children. The black planets represent the positions of the planets when Madonna was born and the red planets represent the positions of the planets when Guy Ritchie was born.

In the above CAC, you can easily see that there is a Romantic Mystical Triangle (drawn in blue lines).

And below is the CAC of Madonna and Carlos Leone. The black planets represent the positions of the planets when Madonna was born and the red planets represent the positions of the planets when Carlos Leone was born.

Madonna formed a Romantic Mystical Triangle with all three of the men she was most in love with.

That is how powerful a Romantic Mystical Triangle is.

Any Mystical Triangle in a CAC will create a lot of mutual attraction. But the key to the romantic power of the Romantic Mystical Triangle is that all three of the planets that form the Mystical Triangle are Romance Planets (Chiron, Venus and Neptune). The Romantic Mystical Triangle is so powerful that we can advise you without hesitation that if you ever meet anyone with whom you form a Romantic Super Linkage, and you are both each other's type, you will most likely fall in love.

The Magi Society is the world's largest astrological society and conducts in depth research into all forms of astrology. Our three books are evidence that our research has produced more valuable discoveries in astrology than anyone else has.

The Magi Society is proud of the fact we were the first to discover and disclose to the astrological community that Chiron, Venus and Neptune are Romance Planets. We did this six years ago in our third book. Now we are pleased to disclose the power of Romantic Mystical Triangles to the astrological community.

Magi Astrology is the only form of astrology that is able to successfully interpret alignments made by more than two planets, such as Mystical Triangles. Most forms of astrology are lost when they have to try to interpret alignments of more than two planets.

As a free benefit of membership, the Magi Society provides all of our members unique computer software for astrology, which has been recently improved. Magi Society software is the only astrology software that creates CACs and helps you to easily detect Mystical Triangles and other important forms of Planetary Geometry. If you would like information about joining the Magi Society and the benefits of membership, please click here and send us an email.

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