Thus far, we have only looked at women who were Cinderellas. But the Rule of Cinderella works just as well for men. When a man marries significantly above his social or financial status, it is he that becomes Cinderella and you can figure out when he will marry by looking for Cinderella Transits. The woman also usually makes Cinderella Linkages to him.
Anthony Armstrong-Jones is a good example of this. He was the first commoner to marry into Queen Elizabeth's family. He married Queen Elizabeth's sister, Margaret, on 5/6/1960, when he had two Cinderella Transits. Below is a CAC (Combined Alignment Chart) showing his Cinderella Transits on that wedding day. The planets in black represent the positions of the planets when he was born, and the planets in red represent the positions of the planets in the sky when he married Princess Margaret and became a male Cinderella.
As you can see, Armstrong-Jones had two Cinderella Transits when he became a Cinderella. Princess Margaret and Armstrong-Jones also form a Cinderella Linkage, as shown in the CAC below. The black planets represent the positions of his planets when he was born and the red planets represent the positions of the planets when she was born.
They have the Venus-Chiron Cinderella Linkage.