If you subscribed to MagicalOracle before March 1, 2022,
you may use this page to
renew your MagicalOracle and save money.

If you subscribed to MagicalOracle before March 1, 2022, we have a special offer for you!

If you are an existing subscriber to MagicalOracle, we wish to reward you - you may upgrade to MagicalOracle Advanced in one of the two possible ways:

ONE WAY IS THIS: We will upgrade you to MagicalOracle Advanced essentially at no extra cost to you - here is how it works: If you renew your current subscription for the same price you paid us when you originally subscribed ($95 for Magi Society members and $125 for non-members) then we will add one year to your original renewal date but upgrade you to MagicalOracle Advanced. This way you do not have to pay the $165 that new subscribers to MagicalOracle Advanced need to pay.

(For example, if you subscribed 9 months ago, your subscription is up for renewal in 3 months; if you renew now and pay just what you paid when you originally subscribed to MagicalOracle, your new renewal date becomes 15 months from now, since we add one full year, and you get upgraded to MagicalOracle Advanced.)

The advantage here is that for you, upgrading to MagicalOracle Advanced does not cost more than the original MagicalOracle you already have.

A SECOND WAY IS THIS: Or you may simply upgrade to MagicalOracle Advanced by paying us $40. But this would not change your current renewal date. Some of you who have just recently become a subscriber may prefer this choice.

Here is another gift to all our existing subscribers of MagicalOracle:

In either case, no matter how you choose to upgrade, we are giving you this gift - in the future when you renew again you only have to pay us the price of MagicalOracle Classic. This means you get MagicalOracle Advanced but only have to pay the price of MagicalOracle Classic (if you renew or upgrade now according to the two ways outlined above).

No matter which way you choose to renew or upgrade, please click the PayPal button below (inside the box with the red border), and pay us the appropriate amount.


Our phone number is: (212) 867-7665.

You may send us an e-mail at magiassociates@aol.com

You may use PayPal's secure website

to pay the Magi Society

for MagicalOracle

by clicking the PayPal button below.

Anyone may subscribe to MagicalOracle

You do not have to become a Magi Society member

Payments will be made to Magi Astrologers WorldWide Corporation

If you wish to make payment, click the PayPal Button above to go to the PayPal Secure Site and enter the following payment amount depending on what you are paying for:

$40 to upgrade to MagicalOracle Advanced, without extending your current subscription.

$125 to upgrade to MagicalOracle Advanced and extend your subscription by one year, if you are not a Magi Society member.

After you pay, we will set up your personal MagicalOracle Advanced web app and email you instructions and passwords, manual, etc. on the next good astrological day, usually within 3 days; you may email or call us using the contact info at the top.

© 1999-2025 by Magi Astrologers Worldwide Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
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The Magi Society and The Magi Astrologers Worldwide Corporation make no claims whatsoever concerning the validity
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