Chiron is the astrological key to Cinderella, soulmates and marriage. But Saturn is the astrological indicator of heartbreaks. In this section of our website, we will explain this and we teach you what we mean by analyzing some of the most famous heartbreaks of recent times. By learning how to use Magi Astrology to tell if a relationship can end in heartbreak, you can help yourself to avoid suffering through your own heartbreak.
In all three of our books, we explain that Saturn is different from any other planet. Saturn is the planet that is symbolic of problems, bad luck and tragedy. The ancient astrologers knew this and they labeled Saturn as a MALEFIC. The ancient astrologers were right. In fact, astrology could not have survived all of these thousands of years if astrologers were wrong about this fundamental astrological principle.
Elsewhere on this website, we have explained that Chiron can form Cinderella Linkages when it is at a MAGIcal Angle to Venus, Jupiter, Neptune and Pluto and that Chiron is symbolic of lasting love. But Saturn is different. The Magi Society has discovered that Saturn represents heartbreak and shattered dreams. Instead of Cinderella Linkages, Saturn forms HEARTBREAK CLASHES, NUCLEAR CLASHES and SATURN CLASHES.
A SATURN CLASH is formed if one person's Saturn makes any Turbulent Angle (or the 150-degree angle or contra-parallel) to ANY planet in another person's chart.
All Saturn Clashes are highly destabilizing to a relationship. But the two Saturn Clashes that are the worst ones are so bad that they deserve their own special names. We call them Heartbreak Clashes and Nuclear Clashes and they are the most reliable astrological indicators of heartbreak and failed relationships.
A HEARTBREAK CLASH occurs whenever the position of Saturn in one person's birth chart makes a Turbulent Angle (or a 150-dgree angle or contra-parallel) to the position of Chiron in another person's birth chart.
A NUCLEAR CLASH occurs whenever the position of Saturn in one person's birth chart makes a Turbulent Angle (or a 150-dgree angle or contra-parallel) to the position of Jupiter in another person's birth chart. Saturn and Jupiter are such opposites that in some cases, even if the two planets are in a MAGIcal Angle, they form a Nuclear Clash.
Heartbreak Clashes and Nuclear Clashes are the most reliable astrological indicators of heartbreak and failed relationships.
The Magi Society has concluded the most extensive research ever conducted into the astrology of love and marriage and we have discovered that Heartbreak Clashes, Nuclear Clashes are almost always very harmful to any relationship. Although nothing concerning human emotions gives rise to rules that work 100 percent of the time, it is possible to explain all of the most famous heartbreaks in history by using these two worst types of clashes formed by Saturn. We begin here with the following super famous examples:
Click here to read the astrology of why Mia Farrow and Woody Allen had one of the bitterest breakups in the history of the entertainment industry. They had the Heartbreak Clash, the Nuclear Clash, and three other Saturn Clashes.
Click here to read the astrology of why Marianne Faithfull's 5-year affair with Mick Jagger ended in heartbreak and attempts at suicide. They had a Nuclear Clash and two other Saturn Clashes.
Click here to read the astrology of why the marriage of Pamela Anderson and Tommy Lee ended in heartbreak and a jail sentence for Tommy. They have two Nuclear Clashes and two other Saturn Clashes.
Click here to read the astrology of why the 17-year relationship of Jack Nicholson and Anjelica Huston ended in heartbreak for Anjelica. They had the Heartbreak Clash and two other Saturn Clashes.
Click here to read the astrology of why Princess Diana's marriage to Prince Charles ended in heartbreak and public humiliation. They had both the Heartbreak Clash and the Nuclear Clash.
Click here to read the astrology of why the marriage of Phil Hartman ended in tragedy as his wife Brynn shot him and then shot herself. From the astrological point of view, it was Saturn that was the main problem.
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