To some observers, the ultimate heartbreak is being shot dead by the spouse. Such an occurrence is rare but we have had a famous example of this recently. On the night of May 28 1998, Phil Hartman's wife shot and killed him. His wife then killed herself the same night. Phil Hartman is the comedian who is famous for his impersonations on Saturday Night Live. Apparently, he was getting ready to divorce his wife, Brynn. She found out about it and we guess they had irreconcilable differences. Below is their CAC. Brynn's planets are in black and Phil's in red.

They did not have any Saturn Clashes. At first glance, the basic rules of Magi Astrology that we have already discussed on this website do not explain this couple's tragic ending. But in reality, if we apply the principles of Magi Astrology that we have learned, we will actually understand the astrological reasons for what happened.

For example, Cinderella Linkages are signs that love can develop and the Hartmans did not have any. This means they were unlikely to have lasting emotional ties. Nor did they have any Sexual Linkages. So they had no strong and lasting sexual attraction. But their planets made some tough Turbulent Angles to each other and they are signs of a turbulent relationship. Most important, they had what we call a NUCLEAR ECLIPSE, which is formed when Saturn and Jupiter are both parallel and conjunct to each other. (Please recall that Saturn and Jupiter form the Nuclear Clash when they are at Turbulent Angles, the 150-degree angle and the contra-parallel.) Saturn and Jupiter just do not go together between the charts of two people. The Hartmans' Nuclear Eclipse was truly nuclear, and they had no Cinderella Linkages or Sexual Linkages to bind them together.

Obviously, the two birth charts of two persons form quite a linkages and clashes. We believe every one of them has an influence on their relationship but some are much more important than others are. To help anyone to understand a relationship, the Magi Society has special computer software that interprets every important linkage and clash. With this software, you would be able to understand the astrological basis of all relationships so long as you know the birth dates of the two persons. This software is available only for members. If you might be interested in joining the Magi Society and obtaining this software, please send us an email by clicking here and ask us to send you information on membership and our special interpretation software.

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